måndag 4 maj 2009

Lövholmen Battle: Done!

Dear folks,

After a hectic week-end the lövholmen Battle is officially and proudly done.

6 happy and brave teams decided to come and produce architecture instead of sunbathing and hanging in one of Stockholm's park. After a few sausages and "Folkis" the mood was perfect to get into the fight and plan the future of Lövholmen.

The program was slightly modified and instead of a qualification day and a finals day we offered to the public a "light version". The first day turned to a semi-semi-final with 4 teams participating and the two best were qualified for the next day. After a fantastic fight two teams were selected by the public to continue the adventure. Everyone was rewarded by a beer and disco party on Färgfabrikens parking.
After this fantastic day the plan was to have a urban picnic afternoon.
Sunbathing on asfalt is the next hype!

The at 8pm the 4 last teams alive gathered once again to project for a healtier and wider Lövholmen.
The detailed story of the Battle will come really soon (I promise!)...

So after the battle Heavy Stuffs were to expect.
The Lövholmen Battle Party!!
From 10 PM the crew from La Vida Locash blasted some electro and hip-hop tunes and once the crowd was ready Adrian Lux took the mic and offered us some glimses of his upcomming album.
The dancefloor was hot and loud and the crowd got sweaty of such good sounds.
Some pictures will follow and take a look on flickr for all the documentation.

Once again thanks to all the participants and all the people that came for the battle and the party!

See you soon.


torsdag 23 april 2009


Time has come to register!
You have only one week left to be among the happy participants of the Lövholmen Battle.
Party, sun and fun will be gathered for this special event, don't miss it!
Register your team here: architectural.battle@hotmail.com

torsdag 16 april 2009

The Lövholmen Battle!

Hey ho!
The time has come to introduce "The Architectural Event of the Year"(sounds a bit pretentious I know...)
The 1st and 2nd of May 2009 will be held at Färgfabriken the Lövholmen Battle. For those two special days a bar will be provided by Landet sandwiches, drinks and sun will be on the menu!
Concerning the Battle we are expecting 16 teams that will pass qualifications Friday the 1st and the happy winners will be invited to take part of the finals that will be running on Saturday.
To participate one should gather a team of 2 to 3 people and bring their laptop to produce material for a digital presentation. (basic computer knowledge is far enough)
The rules for the Battle are quite simple.
4 Teams gets a topic and haves to produce simultaneously a proposition under a period of 1 hour. At the end of this hour each teams gets 3 minutes to present their work and the public elects their favourite proposition. The 2 best teams of each heat are then qualified for the next round.
At the end of the tournament the winner is awarded and a party celebrates the heroes of those two days.

The place for the event

Here you will find a wonderfull outdoor bar and behind the doors the battle will rage.

The schedules for the Battle

Easy, no?

onsdag 15 april 2009

Well well!

Once again it feels that it was ages since I last wrote something on this blog...
Anyhow, I was supposed to give you the results from the Round 2, but then time passed by and well...
In a short summary I can reveal that the winners are (were?) Anna and Helen that proposed a branding for Lövholmen using dirty tricks.
Ho? You maybe wonder what the battle was about well...
The topic was to enable people to enter the "core of Lövholmen" using a restricted budjet and a simple technology.
Two other teams participated and proposed also amazing solutions.
Linn and Anna proposed a way to lead people inside the site by creating coloured path with various themes.
And last but not least the heavy team composed of Marika, Einar, Andreas and 3 happy friends (sorry guys I'll put your names when I'll meet you again).
Anyhow the the heavy team proposed a bridge made of troubled waters linking Lövholmen to Hornstull by using all the waste disposable in Mälaren.
Thank you all for participating and bringing some joy in architecture!

Well well!

The winners branded their project and the site. Hurray for them!

Lövholmen capital of Scandinavia!

Well well!

Coloured path is the way! Follow your favourite colour and discover the wonders of Lövholmen!

Well well!

The infamous bridge linking Hornstull to Lövholmen.

A gigantic nest catching all the waste from Mälaren and turning them to a path.

söndag 22 mars 2009

Round 2

Round 2 next week!
Wednesday March the 25th at KTH Arkitekturskolan will be held the 2nd round. Come and join us from 18pm. at onsdagsbaren.
See you then!

torsdag 12 mars 2009

Round 1 the vid'

Here is the video retracing the event.

torsdag 5 mars 2009

Round 1 the result

Yesterday, March the 4th was held the first round of the architectural battle.
4 happy teams gathered to produce architecture during one hour at KTH Arkitekturskolan.
The 4 teams were:
-Europe Meets Oz. composed of Marie de France, Anna Hult, Maya Claesson and Helen Runting.
-Cut with Erik Hedvall, Kristin Nedlich and Hans Eidseflot.
-Barbapapa (formerly A-team) with Katarina Bukowska Jacobsson, Andreas Part, Jonathan Wolfe and Anne Charlotte Alm.
-Svensk Standard with Ola Keijer, Markus Wagner and Rutger Sjögrim.
19:09 pm the theme was given (Make a project/strategy inducing a use to the rocky part of Danderydsgatan) and launched an epic battle were obscure references, 3d skills and other digital tricks were displayed. After one hour of heavy production the 4 teams came out with amazing propositions.
As in every competition a winner had to be designated and the public voted for Svensk Standard as “Kings of the night”.
As almost everyone seemed to have a good time a Round 2 is scheduled for March the 25th, time to gather your team and train your fingers.

The price!

What would a battle be without Champagne?

Svensk Standard

The winning crew, showed their ability to turn luxury into social wellness.

Sky is the limit

When playground meets the sky. And when luxury meens happiness.

Sky is the limit by Svensk Standard

The winning proposition by Svensk Standard, a gigantic climbing nest for adventurous kids.

Östermalm will become the hypest place to be for kids once this proposition will be built, imagine a 200 meter high climbing nest only for one school! To finance the construction appartments that even Dubaï wouldn't have dared dream of are built on top of the structure. The happy few buying the flats are seen as the benefactors of all the happy childrens of Östermalm.

Thank you Svensk Standard, and thank you happy buyers of this project.


Barbapapa rocks!

Enter the mountain by Barbapapa

Why should one spend large amounts of money to experience exotic places as Thailand or Ibiza?

The ultimate experience is here in Stockholm, the mountain is the garden of dreams and discoveries,it becomes the new meeting place for people in need of exotism.

Rock is the new Ko Pipi!


The team CUT that made a good show using Tablet PC and energy.

Klätterberget by Cut

Kids seems to enjoy klimbing!

Stockholm city Oasis by Cut

A city oasis where busy people drop their kids to school and haves the opportunity to reload their own energy. Is it the kids that provides the energy? Only the team members knows the answer. Anyway, the building of a new "Klätterberg" seems to be the answer.

Europe meets Oz.

The happy team.
Winner of the best outfit of the night.

Garveyard or playground by Europe meets Oz.

The proposition by the 4 members of this team is to combine a heavenly schoolyard and a graveyard. With this new vision the life cycle gets all its dimention, kids plays on the memory of their ancestors and celebrates the beauty of life.

In order to convince the public a quote by H. Lefebvre was used:

"it is within space that time consumes or devours living beings, thus giving reality to sacrifice, pleasure and pain…”

Hummm.... delightfull!

onsdag 25 februari 2009

Hello, everybody!
Yes it’s been a while the blog did not came with good and happy news. But these days are over.
Let me introduce you “the ROUND 1”.
This first event opens a series of 3 battles, the two first ones will be held at KTH Arkitekturskolan in collaboration with Onsdagsbaren, at the great finale will take place on Lövholmen at the end of April.
The Round 1 is scheduled on March the 4th at 6pm at Nedre Ateljén.
To join it is quite easy, just gather a team with friends (2 to 3 people), bring a laptop and everything you want to produce a project and subscribe at architectural.battle@hotmail.com
The theme for the battle will be given Wednesday the 4th at 6pm, then you will have 1 hour to produce a project “live” and 3 minutes to present it to the audience. The audience will elect the favorite project and the winner will be awarded a wonderful price.
So come and join the fun!

tisdag 10 februari 2009

Battle’s orientation.

The aim of the event is to develop micro projects activating the site during the period separating the current state of the site and the time when all the buildings will be built.
What does motivate the uses of the city beside expensive programs trying to set a city on the world map (Dream of the Bilbao effect, wish to have skyscrapers…).
The soul of a district is not only the result of its structure/architecture but also the way people uses the unplanned fragments and how they do appropriate a territory. Architects/artists/users may reveal potentials of a place by creating low-cost temporary installations. By revealing its potential the site is no longer seen as a finished product but as a ground were life and activity may grow.
In that perspective the architect/artist/user takes the role of a gardener planting seeds for the future.

onsdag 4 februari 2009

Aerial view Lövholmen

The site of Lövholmen

Lövholmen is the last industrial remain situated in the inner city of Stockholm. During the second half of the 19th century the industrial revolution shaped the city that we today try to transform according to our new standards of living. Lövholmen used to be situated then on the outer border of Stockholm and close to the communication infrastructures of the time.
Since the end of the second half of the 20th century Lövholmen has become more and more part of the center of the city. The industries are slowly leaving the site and the only activity left are a cultural center, Färgfabriken, a cement factory, Cementa, a secondhand shop, Stadsmissionen, and a few artists’ studios.
By its situation Lövholmen represent a lucrative potential residential area. And as a matter of fact plan of building 850 apartments are already in the mind of Stockholm City.
The question is how a site can be handled in order to keep or develop its identity even if radical changes are operated on its structure. Can the uses of a place be led by architects, artists or more generally by its users?
The uses of a site are as important as its structure and both inform each others on different levels. But unlike the structure the uses are seldom planned but more a result that is depicted or just lived.

torsdag 29 januari 2009

Architecture and battle?

What does hip-hop battles and architecture haves in common?

Architects are fighting against each other in order to win international competitions and hopefully be published in magazines showing amazing images of hypothetic buildings.
If spectacular images are the key of fame, why should the architectural process not be spectacular?
Hip-hop battles are all about style, representation and acknowledgement of the crowd and their peer. The game is simple, show your skills in front of your peers and the crowd, have a good time and the best will be named winner of the battle.
Back to architecture. Architects are people wanting to communicate their visions with the “common people”, but are stuck in their offices, trying to find the best idea or concept that will improve people’s everyday life. At the same time the architect wants to gain the respect of his colleagues by showing its ability to create innovative architecture.
As a matter of fact, an architecture battle is the perfect platform to show the world the way architects thinks and produces projects for a better future. The event enables the participants to evaluate and judge the level of their opponents.
Last but not least, architecture becomes a jolly process where people are happy to compete and share ideas.

Just an image

onsdag 28 januari 2009


-Each team/crew should be composed of 3 persons working together and having enough "digital skills" to illustrate an idea via a computer. (Knowledge of Microsoft Paint is far enough)
-4 teams will "battle" against one other in order to produce an idea/image that will be projected "live".
-The theme will be given and each teams will have a restricted time to produce the idea (between 1 and 2 hours - it will be defined further on -)
-In the end of the producing process each teams will have 5 minutes to present their project and convince the audience and jury.
-Cheating is part of the game.
-The jury may be corruptible.
-Have fun.

The Lövhomen Battle

The Lövholmen Battle will take place on Lövholmen, close to Liljeholmen in Stockholm, Sweden, the last week-end of April 2009.
The Battle is opened to everyone interested in architecture and the practices of the city shaping our future. Anyhow everyone is very welcome to participate and cheer your favorite team.

People interested in taking part to the event are very welcome to send an e-mail to